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Heritage | Twin Vision

info@twinvisionphoto.co.uk | tel: 01513242304


studio #chromakey #filmshoot #model #buildingdesign #sculpting by @alderhey #patients #medical #mavericks #stopframe #stopframeanimation #canon5d funded by @heritagelottery @HLFNorthWest

Our talented production team are busy making theatre #chairs made by #patients @alderhey for #DrDuncan #Medical #mavericks #heritage #stopframe #animation #props #notquitefinished #velvetarms #mentalhealthawareness #amazing #creative #youngfilmmakers #weloveourwork funded by @heritagelottery @HLFNorthWest

Stunning portrait of the first of our 3 Medical Mavericks – #sirrobertjones #orthopedicsurgeon #lecturetheater #liverpoolmedicalinstitute #filming #filmshoot #canon5d #zacuto #miller #tripod #medical #mavericks #surgeon #thomassplint funded by @heritagelottery @HLFNorthWest @alderhey #patients

Our talented researchers from Alder Hey wanted to make everyone aware that in Sir Robert Jones’ time patients had to pay for their healthcare – apart from free clinics on certain days provided by the generosity of medical practitioners such as Sir Robert Jones! before #nhs #set #doctor #minaturescale #stopmotion #lighting #design #photography #animation #canon5d #bts #behindthescenes #props #youngfilmmakers #SirRobertJones #orthopedicsurgery #newfilm @HLFNorthWest by @twinvision funded by @heritagelottery

well done to our #talented #voiceover #youngfilmmakers #younganimators #oncology #amazing #stars add voices and bring to life this #amazing #medicalmavericks #stopframe #animation #coles #microphone #commentator #characters #WeLoveOurWork funded by @heritagelottery @HLFNorthWest

A glimpse of Sir Robert Jones clinic – healthcare before #nhs #set #doctor #minaturescale #stopmotion #lighting #design #photography #animation #canon5d #bts #behindthescenes #props #youngfilmmakers #SirRobertJones #orthopedicsurgery #newfilm @HLFNorthWest by @twinvision funded by @heritagelottery

welldone to our #talented #voiceover #youngfilmmakers – doing a very posh voice for Henry – Sir Robert Jones’ helpful assistant!#younganimators #oncology #amazing #stars add voices and bring to life this #amazing #medicalmavericks #stopframe #animation #coles #microphone #commentator #characters #WeLoveOurWork funded by @heritagelottery @HLFNorthWest

Dr William Duncan gave our talented animators some interesting insights into life in Victorian times at @museumofliverpool #heritage #presentation #fantastic #performance #bringingtolife #history #youngfilmmakers #education #trip funded by @heritagelotteryfund @HLFNorthWest

Sir Robert Jones checking his calendar to see if it is a ‘free clinic’ day. Behindthescenes #healthcare before #nhs #set #doctor #minaturescale #fireplace #suit #woodenfloor #design #stopframe #animation #project #amazing #props #youngfilmmakers #SirRobertJones #orthopedicsurgery #newfilm @HLFNorthWest by @twinvision funded by @heritagelottery

Well done to our #talented #voiceover artists – doing the voice of ‘the posh patient’ and ‘Barry’ Sir Robert Jones’ dog! #youngfilmmakers #younganimators #oncology and #monkey add voices and bring to life this #amazing #medicalmavericks #stopframe #animation #coles #microphone #commentator #characters #WeLoveOurWork funded by @heritagelotteryfund @HLFNorthWest