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Moving Voices, Faith and Ceremonies | Twin Vision Moving Voices, Faith and Ceremonies

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Moving Voices, Faith and Ceremonies

Faith is important to many Irish Travellers, who are predominately Roman Catholic, although a small percentage are Born Again Christians. Therefore, religious ceremonies, such as the First Holy Communion is a very important rites of passage for the children and families.

Weddings are extremely important to Irish Traveller women, as girls look forward to their wedding day and beautiful dress. Irish Travellers often marry young, aged 16 -21 years old, and frequently meet their prospective partner through social gatherings, fairs or whilst travelling.

Often multi tier wedding cakes made for Irish Traveller weddings don’t have cake in them, but have polystyrene inside them to make them lighter, otherwise they would topple over. Some families have the tradition of a tier to represent each sibling or child they intend to have, others just like their cake to be as grandiose as possible as part of the celebration.  Click here to learn more about Irish Traveller Memories.


To obtain a copy of the audio transcripts please get in touch and we will send you a downloadable pdf. Or get in touch with your thoughts, memories and stories

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